Celebrating Mass on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross at the Academy of the Holy Cross, Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory emphasized how Jesus’s cross is a sign of life and hope, but he contrasted that with the injustice of the death penalty in today’s world.
During his homily at the Sept. 14 Mass at the academy in Kensington, Maryland, Cardinal Gregory discussed how Pope Francis recently asked Catholics around the world to pray for the eradication of the death penalty. The cardinal noted that capital punishment has been “unjustly applied against many people” and “unfairly applied to the poor” and people of color.
“Sometimes the death penalty (in other countries) is used as a political weapon to do away with political opponents,” the cardinal said. “In other words, the death penalty is too often unfair because it penalizes innocent people.”
Jesus Christ dying on the cross is the ultimate example of the death penalty, Cardinal Gregory said, pointing out that a notable difference between other versions of the death penalty and Jesus’s crucifixion is how there is no “triumph” in the other methods of execution.
“None of them has become a source of glory and attention, nobody claims the ‘triumph of the guillotine’ or ‘the triumph of the electric chair’ or the ‘triumph of the hangman’s noose,’” Cardinal Gregory said.
He said the “triumph of the cross” has become a symbol of “life, hope, promise, and glory.”
The cardinal likened Jesus’s arms on the cross to a “gesture of surrender,” almost like his arms are about to embrace someone.
“The Academy of the Holy Cross tries to teach you, young ladies, I am sure, and hence from its foundation, the gift of surrender, surrendering your lives in love for other people,” Cardinal Gregory said. He noted how parents give their gesture of surrender every day as they make sacrifices for their children.
Among those attending the Mass was Holy Cross Sister Sharon Ann Mihm, a 1963 graduate of the Academy of the Holy Cross who serves as the chair of the education committee on the school board.
Sister Sharon Ann has been a member of the Sisters of the Holy Cross for more than 50 years. She has attended Cardinal Gregory’s previous Masses on the Feast of the Holy Cross, and said she always enjoys the homily.
“Today I just loved the idea of him talking about Jesus on the cross…I could see him giving His loving embrace even on the cross, so every time now I look at the cross I’m going to be reminded of how much He loves everyone,” Sister Sharon Ann said.
The Academy of the Holy Cross presented Cardinal Gregory with a large check made out to the Archdiocese of Washington’s Community Food Security Program, with a donation of $1,000.