In his homily at the Nov. 29 Mass at St. Dominic's Church in Washington where the relics of St. Thomas Aquinas were displayed and later venerated, Cardinal Wilton Gregory emphasized that the saint's teachings can bring today's Catholics closer to God. (Catholic Standard photo by Mihoko Owada)

Hundreds of people lined up to take turns venerating the relics of St. Thomas Aquinas after the Nov. 29 Mass at St. Dominic Church in Washington, D.C. The veneration continued for six hours, and the day also included vespers, night prayer and a closing Marian procession. The next day on Nov. 30, the relic was received at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C., beginning with lauds and a votive Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas. Veneration continued that afternoon. The next stop of the relics of St. Thomas Aquinas was scheduled for Dec. 2 at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Charlottesville, Virginia; and the visit of the relics to the United States will conclude on Dec. 18 at Saints Philip and James Parish in Baltimore. (Catholic Standard photos by Mihoko Owada)

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