For the December 2024 Junior Saints, students were invited to draw a picture of a scene from the first Christmas, and write about what Christmas means to them.
St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda
“To me, Christmas means the start of new life and a new mission: to reach God and receive his grace. The coming of Jesus brought hope and joy to everyone, as he saved us from suffering. Christmas is a time of unity when we give thanks to Jesus for all he did for us.” – Artwork above and writing by Parisa Gambhir, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda, Maryland

Artwork by Emme Work, fifth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

Artwork by Penny Obermeier, second grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda
“Christmas is the most precious time of the year because we spend it with family and friends to have memorable times together. Christmas is much more than a holiday; it is a grand celebration of our Lord’s birth and a special occasion and a holy day of obligation. Some people might think Christmas is just about giving gifts, but the true meaning of Christmas is about spreading joy and happiness in the air.” – Feyi Lawal, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

Artwork by Evan Robinson, third grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“Christmas is the season of candy canes and hot chocolate, but it is also the season of snowmen and sledges. We spend time in the warmth of forts and the cool air of a freshly snowed lawn. We share laughter and joyful cries, and time of silence to remember the birth of our Lord. We all have special and unique ways to celebrate Christmas, and we share traditions and memories with family and friends.” – Artwork and writing by Andres Strother, eighth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“Christmas means to me spending time with my family and seeing relatives. It means giving to the poor and to your family. In my family, we put out our Nativity scene and then on Christmas we put out baby Jesus.” – Artwork and writing by Claire Andonyadis, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“To me, Christmas should be about the birth of Jesus. God wants us to remember this day as the coming of a new king. I want to share the news about Jesus to everyone, so that they cherish the day as I do. Jesus loves us all and wants us to celebrate with our families. We give gifts to others just as Jesus received gifts from the Wise Men!” –Artwork and writing by Reagan Perraut, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

Artwork by Sarah Juzbasic, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“To me, Christmas is the ultimate birthday party, and everyone is invited! We spend months planning and preparing for the most joyful celebration on Earth.” – Artwork and writing by Royce Butler, fourth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda
“Celebrating the birth of Jesus is more than a holiday or festival. It is an opportunity to pause and give thanks for the greatest gifts of all: love, hope, and joy, from Jesus and found in Him.” – Myles Butler, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“Christmas is a time when we see family that we almost never see. It’s a time to exchange presents and loads of smiles, but most of all Christmas is a time of gratitude to Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus. That’s what Christmas means to me.” – Artwork and writing by Siena Auzoux, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda
Little Flower School, Great Mills

“Christmas to me is a time of joy and happiness. Families come together to make long lasting memories. Most importantly though, is Jesus. Christmas is Jesus’ birthday and most people forget that. We all get too worried about the food and gifts and end up forgetting the whole reason for the holiday. So this Christmas while you are with your family or at a party, I hope you make time for Jesus.” – Artwork and writing by Daniel Sebring, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills, Maryland
“To me, Christmas is time to visit family. Also, while this is not as important to the Catholic faith, Christmas is a time to give gifts to the people in my family, just like how the Wise Men gave gifts to Jesus and how they traveled all the way to visit him. But while they were visiting an unknown king, I am content with just visiting my family on Christmas, because in a way, I am visiting Jesus also. That is what Christmas means to me.” – Aidan Beyer, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
“In December, everybody thinks about Christmas presents, candy canes, cookies, Christmas music, and so on. In my family, Christmas is all about the Nativity, angels, and Jesus. Of course, we still have a tree and presents, it is just that there is a different meaning to them. We give gifts to each other because of the Wise Men, but also because Jesus gave the gift of eternal life in Heaven. Christmas is not just about gifts and trees, it is about Jesus being born, Mary giving birth, and everybody being saved. Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ birth, but it is also a celebration of our lives. That is what Christmas means to me.” – Sam Bowes, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“To me, Christmas means spending time with my family and celebrating the birth of Jesus. On Christmas Day, I go to church with my family. It is my favorite time of the year because it reminds me of Jesus’ life. Christmas is not all about the presents and the food; it is about Jesus’ birth, the start of his journey to die for our sins. We exchange presents with our loved ones representing how the Magi gave presents to Jesus.” –Artwork and writing by Shelby Sohl, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
“Christmas means many different things to people. To me, Christmas means celebrating Jesus’ birth and going to Mass on Christmas Day with family to celebrate. For me, the gifts do not matter, I like to think that the people I love most are gifts from God. Jesus is a gift to everyone; he died for all of us. That is why we should celebrate Jesus on Christmas.” – Emily Wagner, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
“When I think of Christmas, I think of family. I think of travel and Jesus. Every year, I visit my grandparents in Florida. I always love seeing them and eating Christmas dinner with them. I get up early at the beginning of every Christmas break to get to the airport on time for our flight. Mary and Joseph also traveled, but for much longer than I have to. I think of Jesus at church when they tell the Infancy Narratives. I think of him whenever I open my Advent calendar, and on particularly magical Christmas nights when I am gathered around the table with my family. When the moon is shining especially bright, I feel truly at peace.” – Kaeli Beyer, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“Christmas means the day meant to celebrate Jesus’ birth. On Christmas, God delivered us our Savior to save us from sin. Jesus’ birth is often overshadowed by Santa and presents. While those things are fun ways to celebrate, it’s important to remember what Christmas is really about. The greatest present we will ever receive is eternal life from Jesus.” – Artwork and writing by Taylor Lee, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
“Christmas was and still is not about presents, hot chocolate, or even Santa. Christmas is about the birth of Christ and those there with him. The Shepherds and Wise Men came from hundreds of miles away to witness the birth of our Savior. That is why I believe Christmas is about Jesus and those who celebrate him.” – Owen Beauchamp, eighth grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Noah Hailemariam, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“I think Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus and learning about giving. Christmas is a time for families to get together, and Christmas has so many traditions for families to celebrate. My family goes to Mass on Christmas Eve, and the children get to open one present that evening. I think everyone enjoys decorating their tree and doing Advent calendars.” – Archie McKinley, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Rekik Berhanemeskel, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“What Christmas means to me is celebrating the birth of Jesus. Jesus came to spread love and happiness. During Christmas, I feel a lot of joy and happiness by being with family and friends. Getting presents is a sign that Jesus wants us to be happy on his day. Christmas is always a joyful time and a time I want to celebrate every year.” – Bronson Brown, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Grace Milano, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“What Christmas means to me is spending time by my fireplace with my family and thinking about how much of their time they have sacrificed for me, just like when Jesus sacrificed his life for us.” – Addison Dey, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Genesys Solano, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“What Christmas means to me is that people gather together and celebrate the day Jesus was born, and that people have a joyful time exchanging gifts as we celebrate the day that the Lord God brought his only Son to the Earth.” – Isaac Abreham, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Sarah Yilma, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“Christmas means so much to me. It means spending time with family, like hanging our stockings and putting cookies out for Santa. I also love going to Mass and singing in my school choir. They are so supportive of my singing. I also like to watch my family put baby Jesus in the manger. Those are some of the traditions that mean so much to me.” – Granger Gardiner, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Phoebe Hensel, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Catalina Navarro, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Amen Mezgebu, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“Christmas is about faith for me. The whole reason the holiday came into existence was Mary’s faith in God. What I have learned is that faith has its own way of spreading. When I think about Christmas, the emotions of joy and hope come up. Christmas is about enjoying the things we already have, like the forgiveness of original sin through Baptism thanks to Jesus. Christmas is also when we look toward and hope for a good future, like the one we will have in Christ’s new kingdom eventually.” – Artwork and writing by Ashley Ruddy, eighth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“To me, Christmas means a lot of things. The first thing Christmas means to me is the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The second thing Christmas means to me is my family. My family has done so much for me, I don’t know how to show my gratitude… The third and final thing Christmas means to me is my friends.” – Artwork and writing by Penelope Vargas, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“Christmas means to me spending a lot of time with my family and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior who died for us on the cross many years later. Christmas means going to Christmas Mass and praying to our Father, God.” – Artwork and writing by Beverly Leary, seventh grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“The real meaning of Christmas to me is being thankful to God for Jesus dying on the cross for me and dying for my sins. Even though I love getting presents for Christmas and having a lot of fun during this time, the most important thing about Christmas is remembering these things and knowing what Jesus has done for us. This is my favorite holiday, because I love everything about it and the real story behind it.” – Artwork and writing by Tristan Martin, seventh grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“Christmas to me means the birth of Christ. The most unique part about the birth of the Son of God is how he came down in the most humble and plain way. Christ came as a baby, and he later died for us sinners. There are many gifts that are given to us during Christmas, including clothes, electronics and books, but the most important gift is the gift to be able to go to heaven, because we are forgiven by God...” – Artwork and writing by Luke Tiffey, seventh grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“Christmas means for me that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is finally born into the world… He taught us stories that inspired many people, and he performed miracles that made people have powerful faith…” – Artwork and writing by Natalia Martinez, seventh grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“To me Christmas means awaiting the birth of our Savior, as well as remembering to be thankful for all that I have. To me, Christmas isn’t in any way about receiving, and even though it is fun to get things, I feel it is more fun to give, just like Jesus gave us the gift of salvation. I am very grateful for all that I have this Christmas season, and I want to be able to spread love to all those who may need it this Christmas season.” – Artwork and writing by Daphne Kaczowka, eighth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“Christmas to me is a time of giving to those who are less fortunate. Jesus always gave to those who needed it, and we as his disciples are called to do the same. It’s our duty this Christmas to bring his joy all around the world through kindness to all. No matter who it is, everyone deserves God’s everlasting and merciful love.” – Artwork and writing by Tania Rivera, eighth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“What Christmas means to me is Jesus’s birth and spending time with family. People might be excited only about presents, but that’s not the true meaning of Christmas. The true meaning of Christmas is that Jesus is born. It also means joy, love, hope and peace. Christmas is a time for us to reflect on how much Jesus did for us.” – Artwork and writing by Isabella Taborda, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville
“Christmas means times of joy and celebration to me. I like Christmas because everyone is really cheerful and happy. Every year I get really excited for Christmas, because it is fun to celebrate it and get and give presents. Christmas is my favorite holiday. The things that make me like Christmas are traditions like going to Mass on Christmas Eve, having Christmas dinner with family, and opening presents on Christmas morning.” – Miki Yohannes, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville
St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Emily Reddersen, fourth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville, Maryland
“Christmas is a special day in December when my family receives presents from our parents and Santa. But the presents are not the important part; it is really a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The Christmas season means being with my family, giving, spreading love, and thanking God for everything.” – Charles Boyle, seventh grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

“Christmas means Jesus’s birthday and love.” – Artwork and writing by Lucy Glomb, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“Christmas is a holiday that many people around the world celebrate every year. The Christmas season means loving everyone you meet and treating them with respect. That is what the season of Christmas is about, because that is what Jesus did whenever He crossed the path of another person.” – Teddy DeWitt, seventh grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Leah Hoffman, fourth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“Christmas is a day when my family gets together to celebrate Jesus’ birth. One of my favorite ways to celebrate is by attending Mass on Christmas day. Christmas is a time of year to be generous and to give to others as Jesus wants us to do.” – Martin Salvado, seventh grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

“Christmas means Jesus’s birthday. Jesus is born, and it is a happy day!” – Artwork and writing by Ana Rivera, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“Christmas is a special holiday when my family celebrates the birth of Jesus. We remember the way Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus. My family remembers the day Jesus was born by recreating a model of a Nativity scene.” – Madison Davila, seventh grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Hannah Hass, fourth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I look forward to Christmas Eve Mass. There is a feeling of peace and happiness throughout the whole church that puts a smile on everyone’s face. Mass reminds me that Jesus is the reason for Christmas.” – Bridget Shea, seventh grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

“To me, Christmas reminds me of Jesus' birthday, the greatest gift of all.” – Artwork and writing by Kate Murphy, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“Christmas means spending time with family. Family is important to me because it makes me who I am. Gathering with my family during Christmas dinner is the best. Family is all I will ever ask for on Christmas.” – Patrick Windlan, seventh grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Brittany Orellana, fourth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“I love Christmas so much because I love the joy. It makes my heart feel so good.” –JoJo Hass, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“To me, Christmas means love, Santa, and Jesus.” – CJ DeWitt, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Oliver Spranklin, fourth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“To me, Christmas means love.” – Summer Stringer, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
“To me, Christmas means peace, happy birthday to Jesus, and Merry Christmas.” –Graham Pease, first grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
St. Michael’s School, Ridge

“Christmas is not all about presents. It is about baby Jesus and his message that we should be kind and to love all people like Mary and Joseph loved him that first Christmas day.” – Artwork and writing by Callie Thomas, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“Christmas is a time for joy. The presents I receive make me think of the Wise Men who visited Jesus. They gave him frankincense, myrrh, and gold.” – Liberty Carkhuff, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

“I love Christmas! We spend so much time picking out gifts for the people we care about. This is like how the Wise Men chose precious, special presents to give baby Jesus on that first Christmas.” – Artwork and writing by Paisley Malone, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“Christmas is about being with family and friends to celebrate Jesus being born. We decorate the tree and sing Christmas carols. It is a wonderful time to feel close to those we love.” – Jase Cooper, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

“Mary gave birth to the beautiful child Jesus in a humble stable. While the Holy Family rested by the ox and lambs, three Wise Men surprised them with generous gifts.” –Artwork and writing by Franklyn Flores, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“Christmas is such a magical time. We remember and celebrate the very first Christmas and the special story of baby Jesus’ birth in a stable in Bethlehem.” – Ava Dockins, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

“Christmas is about spending time with family. We come together just like Mary and Joseph that first Christmas night. When Jesus was born, he brought kindness into the world. I love decorating for Christmas. It makes me feel like Mary and Joseph must have felt getting ready for Jesus to be born on that first Christmas day. Jesus is so, so amazing!! I love Christmas!” – Artwork and writing by Harper Handy, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“Christmas is a magical holiday celebrating Jesus’ birth over 2,000 years ago. Now we celebrate by putting up Christmas trees, lights, and by eating delicious meals.” – Carson Dotson, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

“Christmas feels so magical! It is amazing to think about a tiny, cute baby who is a wonderful gift from God. Isn’t that incredible? He was a Savior on the way. We give and receive gifts because baby Jesus who was the greatest gift came to save us from sin.” – Artwork and writing by Sidney Griffin, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“Christmas is about being with family and friends, just like Joseph, Mary and Jesus on that very first holy night when Jesus was born.” – Brooklyn, Janney, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

“Christmas is a wonderful time full of joy and cheer. It is a special season when we show kindness to everyone we care about. We spend time with family and friends. The most amazing part is that Jesus is born again, bringing joy, happiness, and kindness to the world.” – Artwork and writing by Jaycee Short, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“I like Christmas because we decorate our house, spend time with family, and open presents. But the best part is learning about and celebrating Jesus’ birthday.” – Jerquan Logan, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“Christmas is the absolute best day to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Let us pray to God. I thank my savior Jesus with all my heart!” – Franklin Rivas, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

“Christmas is a time to recognize and remember Jesus’ birth so long ago. Mary and Joseph had to walk extremely far to reach Bethlehem and find a safe place for Jesus to be born.” – Artwork and writing by Hayden Trossbach, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Abigail Xavier, eighth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“To me, Christmas means the coming of Christ. Christmas is a time that we can celebrate the birth of Jesus.” – Abigail Thomas, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Lydia Williams, fourth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“The Wise Men gave three gifts to Jesus – gold, frankincense and myrrh. Christmas for me means giving my heart to Jesus and allowing him to live in me.” – Grace McFields, third grade, St. Augustine School, Washington

“Christmas is a time that you spend with family and friends. It is the coming of Jesus Christ. This is what Christmas means to me.” – Artwork and writing by Haset Yonas, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“Christmas means a lot to me. It’s not only about getting presents and asking Santa for more. A special event happened on Christmas, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. A shining star led the three Wise Men to Jesus. They gave him gifts – myrrh, gold and frankincense.” – Bemnet Alemu, third grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

“What Christmas means to me is spending time with family, with happiness, love and laughter. Christmas also means giving to others and making sure they have food to eat and shelter.” – Artwork and writing by Segen Tewelde, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“Christmas for me is a time to show love, a time for family, joy, peace and happiness. It is also the day that people around the world celebrate the birth of Christ.” – Elizabeth Dandridge, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington

Artwork by Amen Alemayehu, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“Christmas means when Christ was born on that day. Christmas isn’t about presents or gifts, it’s about Jesus, our Savior.” – Hiyab Abraha, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Eliana Derege, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“Christmas was when Jesus was born. He gave his life for us.” – Eyuel Kudama, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Julia Awol, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
“Christmas is about the birth of baby Jesus and rejoicing about it.” – Leykun Endalkachew, fifth grade, St. Augustine Catholic School, Washington, D.C.
St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

Artwork by Julianna Contreras, sixth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill, Maryland
“To me, Christmas is a time to spend with friends and family and celebrate the birth of Jesus, though Christmas is a very chaotic season as well. I have multiple figure skating shows, band concerts, piano recitals and parties to go to, as well as figuring out gifts for my friends.” – Sophia Parapara, sixth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill
“Christmas to me means celebrating Jesus. It reminds me of families gathering together just like when Jesus was born in the manger. It means being thankful for all the gifts and blessings we are receiving, especially for Jesus, who was given to us by the Father.” – Lorris Pangilinan, sixth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“To me, Christmas is about spending time with family and friends, and celebrating Jesus’s birthday.” – Artwork and writing by James Wills, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill
“Christmas is honestly my favorite holiday. It is more than just any holiday. Not only is it the birth of Jesus, but I get to spend it with the ones I love. I also get to sing Christmas songs in choir and skate in Christmas shows. It really is the most wonderful time.” – Katherine Contreras, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill
“Christmas means celebrating Jesus’s birth, and for me, it is also a break from school.” – Maggie Estorninos, sixth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

Artwork by Karla Osorio, sixth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill
“Christmas is special because it’s Christ’s birthday.” – Evelyn Marcial, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“What Christmas means to me is not just spending money on gifts or getting gifts. I think it means the quality time you spend with the people you care about, but I guess also giving presents to the ones you love is one of the best things you could do to make those people happy.” – Artwork and writing by Maya Hipolito, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

Artwork by Cortland Brown, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill
St. Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly

Artwork by Claire Frese, third grade, St. Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly, Maryland
“What Christmas means to me is to remember that Jesus was born and to thank God for giving us our Savior. What Christmas means to me is gifts given without expecting anything in return.” – Mason Perry, sixth grade, Saint Ambrose Catholic School
“To me, Christmas means to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth and his love for us. Christmas also means a day for family to come together.” – Jacob Nyangwara, fourth grade, Saint Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly

Artwork by Daphne Diaz, fifth grade, St. Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly
Christmas reflection by Harper Blackman, sixth grade, Saint Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly:
Christmas to me is a day to believe.
A time to spend with family and friends.
A time to thank God for His birth.
A time to believe in Jesus Christ.
A time when Jesus was born that very night.
And now we have Jesus Christ on our side.
When Christmas comes and you open your gift
Make sure to thank God for your jolly Christmas.

Artwork by Valerie Portillo Zamora, sixth grade, St. Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly
Christmas poem by Isabella Ukaoma, sixth grade, Saint Ambrose Catholic School, Cheverly:
The snow is falling slowly outside
Landing on the ground
Bells are ringing and children laughing
Can’t you hear that sound?
Lights displayed on houses
Red, green, and blue
Presents under the tree
Waiting for me and you.
A different kind of gift
Was given on this day
Those who came to witness it
Didn’t know what to say.
Jesus, son of God
Was born unto man
Holy baby Jesus
Would be born and come again.
Mary, Mother of God
To God said, “Yes”
Trusting in Him
To always do what was best.
The snow is falling slowly outside
Falling on the ground
Bells are ringing and children laughing
Can’t you hear the sound?
Holy Redeemer School, Kensington

Artwork by Sophia Jackson, seventh grade, Holy Redeemer School, Kensington, Maryland

Artwork and writing by Jackson Hartnett, sixth grade, Holy Redeemer School, Kensington

Artwork by Charlotte Bray, sixth grade, Holy Redeemer School, Kensington
Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“My favorite part of Christmas is the joy of Christmas morning, with my family going to church and singing Christmas songs at church. After going to church, we go to my Cece’s house and have lunch. We always have so much fun. We have foods like mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pies, really good ones…” – Artwork and writing by Hannah Ragusa, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons, Maryland

Artwork by Deziah Johnson, kindergarten, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“Jesus, our Savior, was born on Christmas day. I love Christmas. I dress up and go to Mass at church… Christmas is a time of year to be with your family and friends… It’s my favorite holiday.” – Marie Jefferson, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Bella Delligatti, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“To me, Christmas means a time of giving. If you have many items and a lot you don’t use, you should donate all of those to people who need it, they will for sure have a smile on their face. Another way to give is to make homemade gifts for other people…” – Artwork and writing by Declan McCabe, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown

Artwork by Stella Isleib, third grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown, Maryland
“To me, Christmas means spending time with family. I love cozying up by the fireplace while my dad turns on a Christmas movie, and my brother and I sip our hot chocolate very slowly. Christmas means opening my presents, and my parents watch my face light up as I find a new Lego set that I’ve been wanting. I love decorating the house with my dad, baking our favorite Christmas treats with my mom, and playing games with my brother. Most of all, I love Jesus. My family has these wooden Nativity figurines, and we set them up on the dining room table. We always put baby Jesus front and center, because he is the most important person in the story. Christmas is not just about Santa, presents, and hot cocoa, it’s about Jesus! He is the true meaning of Christmas, and he always will be.” – Adrianna Hess, fifth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
Artwork by Grace Dyckman, third grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown

Artwork by Ella Hamm, eighth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown

Artwork by Jack Hamm, seventh grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
“I think Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. In our family, we always put up the Nativity scene. We also give gifts to others like the Wise Men. Another way we celebrate the birth of Jesus is to sing or listen to songs about him and his birth, such as The First Noel and Mary Did You Know. Some people even light candles on an Advent Wreath. Going to church is a great way to celebrate Jesus.” – Mariah Polo, fifth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
St. Bernadette School, Silver Spring

“Christmas means the coming of Jesus Christ. During Christmas, we should focus on spending time with our family and friends more than on receiving gifts. The best part of Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.” – Artwork and writing by Nicola Thompson Blanco, seventh grade, St. Bernadette School, Silver Spring, Maryland
St. Mary's School, Bryantown

Artwork by William Lyon, seventh grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“Christmas means a lot to me. It means Jesus is the best gift ever and that Christmas isn’t a time of presents, it’s a time of happiness and joy.” – Bradley Smith, third grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“Christmas means to me that Jesus is coming to save us from sin.” – Alexandra Marson, third grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“The first Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. This day means a lot to me. It makes me sad when people write “Xmas” on things. We should not be taking Christ out of Christmas. One of my favorite times of year is right before Christmas. I love preparing for Jesus to come.” – Camille White, seventh grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“Christmas to me means time together and joy. It’s about spending time with family and friends, laughing and making memories. Also, it’s a time to reflect on Jesus’s birth and the love he brought into the world. Christmas is a time of reflection and gratitude. It lets us take time to appreciate what we have and who we are grateful for.” – Chase Larson, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Artwork by Emma Gilbert, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“Christmas means joy and happiness. Christmas means a Savior is coming to save us. Christmas isn’t just about presents and Santa Claus. It’s about remembering our Savior and spending time with family. Every year my family goes to church extra early (8 a.m.) to be with Jesus. We should always remember that our Savior is being born and push away the presents. I love spending time with family and Jesus.” – Gabriella Payne, seventh grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“Christmas means many things to me. Christmas means Jesus is born. Christmas means that I can spend time with my family, and it always means love. When Christmas comes, love enters the air – our love for Jesus and our love for each other. Christmas time brings out the best in us. In this time, we show our gratitude, our love, our kindness and our peace. Christmas means we get to show love and kindness wherever we go!” – Samantha Morrison, seventh grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“To me, Christmas marks the Nativity. Jesus was with his loved ones, and so are we. Just as the three kings gave him presents, we give each other presents. The star on the top of the tree represents the one that was shining that day, that the kings followed.” – Tia Ndungi, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

“Christmas means to me a time to celebrate the coming of Jesus. It also is a time for joy, peace and holy prayer.” – Artwork and writing by Nova Martin, third grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
January 2025 Junior Saints topic
Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated from Jan. 26 to Feb. 1, 2025. For the January Junior Saints, students were invited to draw a picture and write about something that they like about their Catholic school, parish religious education class, or Catholic homeschooling.
The drawings and writings should be emailed to by Thursday Jan. 9, 2025 to Mark Zimmermann, the Catholic Standard’s editor, and they should include the name, grade and school or parish of the student printed clearly.
Due to time constraints involved with reviewing the volume of submitted work, it is requested that schools or parish religious education programs limit their entries to 10 drawings and 10 writings from their students. The best formats to send are jpegs for artwork and word documents or pdfs for writing, if possible. Please no long essays. Thank you!