For the Thanksgiving Junior Saints in November 2024, students were invited to draw a picture and write about what they are thankful for.
St. Columba School, Oxon Hill
“Everything and everyone I am grateful for comes from God. All the people who keep me company, the music I love to listen and sing to, the books I get to read, the whole world and everything I’ve ever had means so much to me. Thanksgiving is an amazing time to tell those around you and to tell God how much they mean to you. I am forever thankful for everything I’ve received and for everyone I love.” – Artwork above and writing by Hayleigh Estrella, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill, Maryland

“I am thankful for my family, because they are the ones that took care of me all my life… I’m forever grateful for my family and what they do for me.” – Artwork and writing by Rocco Rodriguez, sixth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“I’m thankful for my class, because I’ve known most of them for my whole life, and every person who shows up every year made my life so amazing. They all made me show a different side of me that I don’t think I would have had. My class is like another family to me. I can always act like myself around them, just like how I act with my own family. I’m just thankful that I have them now, and I will miss them after we graduate from St. Columba.” – Artwork and writing by Maya Hipolito, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“I’m thankful for everything that God has given me. I’m thankful for the fact that I can wake up every day and say ‘hi’ to my family. I’m thankful for the fact I can always have a cute little face staring at me every time I wake up. I’m thankful for everything I have.” – Artwork and writing by Evelyn Marcial, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“I’m so thankful for my sister Kate. She’s always making me laugh and does things I don’t want to. She’s talented in anything and everything she does. I love her cooking and baking so much. Even though she can be dramatic at times, I wouldn’t trade her for anything.” – Artwork and writing by Julie Contreras, sixth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“I am thankful for my family and what they have done for me. I am truly blessed to have a home where everybody loves and cares about me.” – Artwork and writing by Nikolai Rodriguez, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“I am thankful for my family, because I get to spend time with them and create unforgettable memories.” – Artwork and writing by Leena Gonzales, seventh grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill
“Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I already know what I’m going to talk about at the table. I’m going to talk about what I’m thankful for. Something I’m thankful for is boxing. The boxing gym is like my second home. When I enter the gym, I feel a sense of peace, all the stress of school and personal problems just go way. It’s like I go into my own world. Hitting the bag, sparring and shadow boxing bring me peace. Sparring helps me clear my mind. When I get into the ring, I get so focused that I forget about real life. I just love boxing, it’s helped me with a lot of things. So yes, I am going to talk about boxing at the Thanksgiving table.” – Angel Peterson, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill
Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Robert Hughes, kindergarten, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons, Maryland

“Who or what are we thankful and grateful for? We usually think of one of our family members or even teachers. I think of the Holy Trinity. When we think of the Holy Trinity, some say, ‘But that’s three persons.’ No, it’s three in one actually! How, you may ask, well the thing is…It’s a mystery! But the actual reason why I chose the Holy Trinity is because of God the Father. He is the one who made us, our parents, family members, and all living things, and even the universe! Next we have our Savior Jesus, who died on the cross to open the gates of heaven and to redeem our sins. Lastly, we have the Holy Spirit, who guides us when we ask for help.” – Artwork and writing by Meshach Dippold, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Deziah Johnson, kindergarten, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“I am grateful for my mom, because she helps me with my homework, loves me, puts a roof over my head, puts food on the table, and she gives me hugs. I am also grateful for my mom because she was the person who gave birth to me, and she always does fun things with me. Finally, I am grateful for my mom also because she always asks me how my day was at school when I get back from school.” – Artwork and writing by Lillian Palmer, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“I am thankful for nature. I like to go into the woods a lot and look at all of God’s creation. The trees, the bugs, the birds and all of the other animals. I am thankful that God created these things, because I can see them whenever I like, and look at all of the different trees with all of their different leaves. During fall, I like to see all of the leaves change from green to red, yellow, orange and brown. I am glad and thankful that God created the animals and plants.” – Artwork and writing by Emerson Hughes, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“There are a lot of things that I am thankful for, but two things really stand out. My guardian angel and my parents are the two things that I am thankful for. I love my parents because they go out of their way to feed me and my brothers and care for us. I also love my angel, because even if I can’t see him, he always tries his best to protect me.” – Valentina Cruceta, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“What I am thankful for is my family, because they put a roof over my head. My family does all kinds of nice things for me and my two sisters. Like my mom can take me to fun places. My dad can build things I can play on with my friends. My family is always on my side. That is what I am thankful for.” – Hannah Ragusa, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“I am thankful for the family reunion at Thanksgiving. We make turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, cake and brownies!!! All my cousins aunts, uncles, step cousin’s, grandma, grandpa, and dad’s and mom’s friends come.” – Artwork and writing by Gabriela Falco, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“I am thankful to God for starters. God is always with me and has helped me through many tough times. No matter what, he’s always there. I can always count on him. I thank God every day for another sunrise and another sunset. I thank him for being alive. I pray to God all quarter long to help me keep my grades up, and to excel in my academic abilities. There are many things to be grateful for in this life, but God is a big one. Know he is always with you, through thick and thin.” – Kalina Dillard, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“I am thankful for my school. We learn more challenging concepts and have time for self reflection. The view from our school is beautiful! There is so much to be thankful for. I am not the best at math, so having the right support and a little bit of challenge and my math skills improved. I’ve never been to a religious school. It’s more demanding, but it makes me a better person! Finally, I’m very grateful for recess. Many schools don’t have recess. That is why I’m grateful for my school.” – Gabrielle Chase, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“I am thankful for my mom. She helps me with my homework, she loves me with all her heart and takes care of me. She is the best! I don’t know if anyone could take her place. She is not just my mom, but my best friend. She is my super hero. She is always there when I need her.” – Bella Delligatti, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda

“There are almost a million things that I am thankful for. I think, though, that the most powerful one out of all the things I’m thankful for is my family. My family is so kind, caring and supportive. They lift me up when I feel down, pick me back up when I fall, but most of all, they are my number one fans no matter what happens. They always provide me with food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and a wonderful school that I am so elated to go to…. If they are listening now, all I want to say is that I’m thankful for you, my family, and I love you!” – Artwork and writing by Bella Davis, fourth grade, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda, Maryland
“I am grateful for my friends. My friends are so nice, and I’m really lucky to have people in my life like that. My friends will cheer me up when I’m sad and tell funny jokes. My friends stand by me through tough times, and sometimes all you need is one good friend.” – Emily Kendrick, fourth grade, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda

“I am thankful for my parents, because they give me so much love and care. They make me feel so special and always support me. They have given me so many special opportunities, and I am thankful for all of it. They gave me a roof over my head and food on the table. They are giving me the best life ever. They are so kind. I got this really fun game, and they made enough time to play it with me. They work so hard and still make time for me and my siblings. I can’t even count all the fun memories we’ve had. They are always by my side and never let me down. I can’t wait to make more fun memories together.” – Artwork and writing by Aliya Reisinger, fourth grade, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda
“I am grateful for my sister, because any time I’m sad, scared or mad about something, she will make me feel better. If I get hurt, she would help me back to my feet. I love my sister to my bones, and she loves me to her bones, and we both help each other.” – Flora Boston, fourth grade, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda

“I am thankful for my family, because they are always there for me when I need them. They teach me things I need to know in life and love me and care for me. They also make me laugh whenever I’m sad or hurt or even mad, and it works every single time! They do so much for me. I love my family so much. My siblings are fun to play with. My older brother Gavin helps me make forts. Blake does board games with me. And finally, my sister Reese does gymnastics with me. My mom and dad make the family perfect.” – Artwork and writing by Annie Aschenbach, fourth grade, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda
“I am thankful for a warm hug every day, because it reminds me of how I have an amazing education, friends who love me, a caring family, a safe home, and joy that fills my life. As a child of the Sacred Heart, I acknowledge that some kids don’t get the privileges I do, but like in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 12, verses 28-34, Jesus said you must love your neighbor just as you love yourself. This season, I hope everybody feels a warm hug of love every day to everybody, even the kids and adults who aren’t as fortunate as I and others are. I hope you feel a big warm hug this season.” – Rori Nelson, fourth grade, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda

“I am grateful for God, because He made everything for us. He gave us brilliance, so that we could build houses, schools and hospitals. He gave us the power to tell stories, not just for entertainment, but also for learning. And most of all, Jesus suffered and died on the cross for us, so that we will be able to go to heaven. Those are only a few things, but God does a lot for things for us. That is why I am grateful to Him. He gave us everything we need at our time here on Earth, and then when we’ll die, when we go to heaven (hopefully), He will be there, arms outstretched, welcoming us into our new home.” – Art and writing by Emma Anos Casero, fourth grade, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, Bethesda
Holy Redeemer Catholic School, Kensington

Artwork by Caroline Frye, sixth grade, Holy Redeemer Catholic School, Kensington, Maryland

Artwork by Keeley Davis, seventh grade, Holy Redeemer Catholic School, Kensington

Artwork by Addy Hart, sixth grade, Holy Redeemer Catholic School, Kensington

Artwork by Anna Weber, sixth grade, Holy Redeemer Catholic School, Kensington

Artwork and writing by Taylor Breitenbach, sixth grade, Holy Redeemer Catholic School, Kensington
St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“I am thankful for nature and all of God’s creations. Nature benefits us all and is an important part of life… Nature is like our home and something humans are a part of. Because God gave us free will, we should use the free will to take care of nature and to appreciate it. Nature is very important, and we should learn to be grateful for it, but also not damage it.” – Artwork and writing by Natalia Martinez, seventh grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland
“I am thankful for my amazing family and all they provide me with: love, joy, happiness, a wonderful home, food, clothes and everything they give me out of love. Mary and Joseph cared for Jesus, just as my parents care for me. In the Christmas story, Joseph takes care of Mary until she gives birth. Then both Mary and Joseph care for the baby Jesus until he gets older and finally dies for our sins. My parents take care of me, and I am thankful for them. I am also thankful for my two younger sisters who fill my life with fun and chaos. Thank you God for all that you have given me.” – Julia Toumi, seventh grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“There are so many things to be thankful for, and these are the ones that first come to mind. I’m so thankful for my family and friends who support me. My loving doggy Stella always brightens my day and overall just makes me happy. She is extraordinary. I’m also very thankful for food. Without it, humans just couldn’t be! Although I don’t need them, sweet treats are just deliciously amazing. Of course I’m endlessly thankful for my house. I’m also happy about all the cute little caterpillars and ladybugs that make my day brighter. I’m thankful for many things, and these were just some of them.” – Artwork and writing by Lily Nolan, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“I am thankful for my church community. My community helps me grow in my faith. I am an altar server, and it brings me closer to God. I am so grateful that I get to have that opportunity. My community also helped teach me how to pray. I have learned how to pray to God and have learned about the Bible. My community has made my faith stronger and my love of God stronger. I love my community, and I’m so grateful for everyone who helped me grow closer to God.” – Artwork and writing by Eleanor Finnegan, eighth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville
“As Thanksgiving draws near, everyone starts thinking about what they are thankful for. For me, that would be just about everything, except maybe mosquitoes and ticks, but then everything else I love. During Thanksgiving we pray for everything we are thankful for. I hope you know what you’re going to be praying about this year, because I certainly do.” – Sara Taylor, Saint Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for the gift of music. Not only for me, but for many others, music is a form of expression, a way to let our feelings known in a way that words couldn’t even fathom. Music has even been around since the beginning of time, starting with the chirping birds and croaking frogs that God put on this planet. Today I am so grateful to be able to have my voice, my saxophone, and even recorded songs to relate to.” – Artwork and writing by Tania Rivera, eighth grade, Saint Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“This Thanksgiving, I will make sure that everyone feels grateful and cared for during my Thanksgiving break. I like to spend my time with my family and friends because it reminds me of how grateful I am to be alive. I usually have my birthday party over the break. It gives me time to realize how much my friends care about me and how grateful I am for them. On Thanksgiving day, I like to spend the whole day with my family running around with my cousins. I am so very grateful for my family and friends.” –Artwork and writing by Abby Harkins, seventh grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville
“As we get close to Thanksgiving, we are reminded how much we love and care for the family and friends in our lives. I am very thankful for my parents, brothers, grandparents, uncle and aunt, cousins and friends. They make me happy every day. I can’t imagine my life without them. I’m thankful for them every day, but especially on Thanksgiving when we get together with our family and have a nice meal, conversation and lots of laughs.” – Andre Aharonian, seventh grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville

“There are so many things to be thankful for. We can be thankful for our home, friends, family, pets, hobbies, our life, Earth, and so much more. Everything that plays a part in your life is something you should be thankful for.” – Artwork and writing by Julia Wong, sixth grade, St. Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville
“I am thankful for flowers, because flowers help feed birds and insects. Some flowers are in medicine, and flowers give nectar to animals. Flowers also represent beauty and love. Studies show that flowers reduce stress and anxiety. Flowers are most known for their smell and their perfection, but they are a lot more.” – Patricia Chavez, sixth grade, Saint Elizabeth Catholic School, Rockville
St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“I am thankful for my family, my house, school, food, peace, nature, and God.” – Artwork and writing by Sarah Juzbasic, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“I am thankful for nature.” – Artwork and writing by Claire Andonyadis, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda
“I am thankful for God’s grace.” – Elena Millan-Obregon, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“I am grateful for all the chances I have had in the 11 years of my life. I love my family, friends, food, tennis, and my three horses and Shetland pony. They always know how to make me smile. I want to thank my family and friends for their support.” – Artwork and writing by Siena Auzoux, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“I am grateful for being a child of God.” –Artwork and writing by Feyi Lawal, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“I am thankful for Jesus dying on the cross for us. He died on the cross so we could have eternal life in heaven.” – Artwork and writing by Caleb Alvarez, fifth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda
“I am thankful for the food Jesus provided. I am also thankful for Jesus Christ and all that he did.” –Noelle Shorb, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“I am thankful for nature.” – Artwork and writing by Emme Work, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

“I am thankful for Jesus.” – Artwork and writing by Reagan Perraut, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda
Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings

“I am thankful for bees! They are one of the best pollinators. God made bees for the best reasons of all.” – Artwork and writing by Carter Beletsky, fifth grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings, Maryland

Artwork by Blake Jubb, fifth grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings

“I am thankful for my house. It keeps me safe.” – Artwork and writing by Brooke Demanski, first grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings
“I am thankful for God. He made me.” – Bryson Scheibach, first grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings
“I am thankful for trees. They give us oxygen.” – Oliver Wiedinger, first grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings

“I am thankful for my dog, because he makes me smile.” – Artwork and writing by Sebastian Eggleton, first grade, Cardinal Hickey Academy, Owings
Blessed Sacrament School, Washington

Artwork by Keegan Murray, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington
“During the month of November when we celebrate Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for missions that help the poor have food for the holidays. I always love to donate food and clothes to the homeless or poor. I am also thankful for my family to gather around a table and eat together. I am also thankful for God and the life he has given me. Finally, I’m thankful for the house I live in and that I’m safe from big storms.” – Anna Ward, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Jane Meyers, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington
“Thanksgiving is a time to appreciate the good things in life. During Thanksgiving, I am thankful for many things. One thing I am thankful for is having a kind family. In addition, I’m thankful for my friends who I play with. I’m also thankful for God and his creations. Thanksgiving is a holiday to remember what we are thankful for.” – Dagem Elias, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Riley Danielian, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“This month, I have been thinking about how grateful I am for my family and friends, but I haven’t thought about my amazing school and wonderful teachers. I can’t explain how extremely grateful I am for being able to attend school. My teacher supports me and teaches me new things every day. I also think about how some people can’t even go to school, and that made me think about how lucky I am. I want to keep a smile on my face and have a positive attitude for my teachers and principal. That’s why I am grateful for my school and teachers.” –Delaney Crawford, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Blake Pearce, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
“I am thankful for God, because he has a massive plan to create eternal happiness, but somebody had to suffer in order to make that work. I’m thankful because God has chosen me to have many wonderful things and to live a happy life. I try to use the resources around me to spread love and kindness to others.” – Jackson Gill, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.

Artwork by Will Dempsey, fifth grade, Blessed Sacrament School, Washington, D.C.
Little Flower School, Great Mills

“I am very thankful for a lot of things, but most of all I am thankful for my family. Even though sometimes we all might have disagreements, I still love them. My family has gotten me through a lot of hard times that I have had. I am also thankful for my best friend Adalene. She is an amazing friend. She has gotten me through a lot, and I am so happy she is in my life.” – Artwork and writing by Reagan Hawkins, seventh grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills, Maryland
“I am thankful for all the things that I have, but the most important thing is Jesus. Without Jesus, I would not have this life and everything in it. Some of the other things are my family and friends, they help me get through life. I am also thankful for the food that is on the table every day and clean water that hydrates me. Another thing is the freedom we have because without it, we would not have all the rights that we have.” –Dakota Hancock, seventh grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
“I am thankful for the beaches and sunsets because it calms me and clears my mind of all distractions. Every day after school is a challenge. I have to take care of four younger siblings, and when they do not listen to me when I tell them to do something, I get frustrated and angry. Also, when my mom tells me something, I always get distracted... But when I look at the beaches and the sunsets, I become calm and clear of mind to do my job. That is why I am thankful for these things.” – Artwork and writing by Zachary Phan, seventh grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“I am thankful for the trees and the breeze.
Thankful for the mountains.
I am thankful when I am frightened.
Lord, I thank you for the sunshine.
Thank you for the rain.
I am thankful for joy, thank you for pain.
I am thankful for the sunset.
For I lived another day. Thank you for life God, along with every day!” – Artwork and writing by Maddox Booth-Christy, seventh grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills

“I am grateful for so many things, but one thing I appreciate most is the outdoors. Being able to walk out your front door and smell the fresh air is an amazing gift. When you walk around the wind blows through your hair and brings chills to your skin. My eyes are blessed with the satisfying look of delicate flowers and the soft pillowy touch of the petals. God knew exactly what he was doing when he created the world, a gorgeous place just for us and the wild creatures of the Earth to live.” – Artwork and writing by Adalene Jones, seventh grade, Little Flower School, Great Mills
St. Michael’s School, Ridge

Artwork and writing by Paisley Malone, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge, Maryland

Artwork and writing by Margaret Considine, second grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“I am thankful for Jesus, my life and my family.” – Franklin Rivas, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“I thank God for the Earth, my family, food, clothing, shelter, school, my teacher and friends. And I’m grateful that we have holidays to celebrate all of them.” – Callie Thomas, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“I am thankful for the gift of wildlife.” –Hayden Trossbach, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

Artwork and writing by Chloe Dameron, second grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

Artwork and writing by Jace Cooper, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“I am thankful for all nature, including insects and bugs.” – Ava Dockins, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“I am so grateful to have a roof over my head.” – Carson Dotson, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
“I am thankful for food, shelter and animals.” – Jaycee Short, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

Artwork and writing by Franklyn Flores, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

Artwork and writing by Brooklyn Janney, third grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge

Artwork and writing by Sidney Griffin, fourth grade, St. Michael’s School, Ridge
St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Lainie Pullin, second grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville, Maryland

Artwork by Brittany Orellana, fourth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Daniel Miller, second grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by KJ Freeman, second grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville

Artwork by Andrea Figallo, eighth grade, St. Patrick’s School, Rockville
Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
“I am thankful for faith, because it guides me to God. Going to heaven is an amazing blessing that not everyone gets. Faith also helps you believe the Scripture in the Bible even when it is hard to. It also helps you to be kind and forgiving. It is not always easy to always be kind and forgiving in every situation. It is sometimes hard, for example let’s say someone hurts you, and you don’t want to forgive them. You need that faith to remind you that you need to forgive the people that trespass against you. In the Our Father prayer it says ‘as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.’ Our faith also helps take us away from evil with the help of our conscience. There are so many more reasons I am thankful for faith, but it is not possible to name everything.” –Alexander Greene, fifth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown, Maryland
“I am thankful for my mom, because without her I couldn’t be born, plus she is the one I see when I first walk in from school. Another reason why I am thankful for my mom is that without her, I couldn’t play lacrosse (my favorite sport), because she is the head coach and she makes the plan for practice every week. The reason why I am thankful for my mom is when we go on trips, it’s all my mom. She’s the one who plans, she’s the one that surprises all of us with it, even my dad… She does so many things that I am thankful for, and I do know that the reason that I picked her is because I love her so much.” –Emily Buzzell, fifth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
“I am thankful for my mom! She is so nice! I respect her because one of the commandments is, and I quote, ‘Honor thy father and mother.’ It is one of the most important commandments. She is the best because of these things. She is a teacher, so she is always willing to help us. She also always plays with us when she isn’t busy. Also when we are sad, she helps us feel better. When we hurt ourselves, she helps us. And that is why I am so thankful for my mom!!!” – Thomas Mayo, fifth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
“One of the things I am thankful for is my dog. My dog’s name is Ozzy, and he is a cavapoo. The reason I am thankful for my dog is because when I am having a bad day, he always knows what to do to try to cheer me up. He does it in the funniest ways like rubbing up against me. He also jumps on me and bounces on me to try to get me to play a game with him. We always play tug-of-war, and he always beats me because he is so strong. Sometimes he comes into my room and snuggles with me in my bed, and that makes me feel happy. That is the reason I am thankful for my dog Ozzy!” –Hannah Pusloskie, fifth grade, Father Andrew White, S.J. School, Leonardtown
St. Francis International School, Silver Spring
(Third graders from St. Francis International School in Silver Spring drew pictures of their favorite saints for the November Junior Saints.)

Artwork by Matias Vasquez, Saint Francis International School, Silver Spring, Maryland

Artwork by Amanda Suran De Aza, Saint Francis International School, Silver Spring

Artwork by Daniela Miranda, Saint Francis International School, Silver Spring

Artwork by Jennifer Lopez Soto, Saint Francis International School, Silver Spring

Artwork by Brianny Brito, Saint Francis International School, Silver Spring

Artwork by Ximena Perez, Saint Francis International School, Silver Spring
December 2024 Junior Saints topic
In December, we celebrate Christmas. For the next Junior Saints, students are invited to draw a picture of a scene from the first Christmas, and write about what Christmas means to them. The drawings and writings should be emailed to by Tuesday Dec. 10, 2024 to Mark Zimmermann, the Catholic Standard’s editor, and they should include the name, grade and school or parish of the student printed clearly.
Due to time constraints involved with reviewing the volume of submitted work, it is requested that schools or parish religious education programs limit their entries to 10 drawings and 10 writings from their students. The best formats to send are jpegs for artwork and word documents or pdfs for writing, if possible. Please no long essays. Thank you!