The annual Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Sept. 1 launched the new school year for Catholic University of America students. Dr. Peter Kilpatrick, Catholic University’s new president, spoke to the students and faculty at the end of the Mass.
Arlington Bishop Michael Burbidge, who is also a member of the University’s Board of Trustees, was the main celebrant of the Mass. A silver-gilt chalice from Ireland in the late 1400s was used at the Mass. The chalice, which is now on loan to Catholic University, is considered a rare artifact because many chalices from Catholic churches then were destroyed during the Protestant Reformation.
A procession of the faculty in academic attire started the Mass.

During his homily, Bishop Burbidge spoke on the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit and emphasized how people can adore and accept Jesus into their hearts through the Eucharist and each other. He pointed out how that day’s Gospel from St. John described Jesus as the vine and people as the branches and how no fruit will blossom, if one branch takes importance over the others and blocks the light and air.
“Sadly so many in our world today pursue a worldly joy, overwhelmed by a prideful concern of self, even to the expense of others, that can never be the case with us,” Arlington’s bishop said. “We must be at the service of others.”
He encouraged students to pray for guidance and to have their faith guide their actions.
“Pray this year to grow in the virtue of humility, and we remain in the Lord when we use our God-given gifts and talents to give Him praise and glory,” Bishop Burbidge said.
After Communion, CUA’s President Kilpatrick gave his first address to the university. Prior to working in higher education, he was first successful in his own scholarly pursuits, as his work includes more than 100 published academic articles, and he owns or shares 12 patents in chemical engineering. Dr. Kilpatrick previously served as the dean of engineering at the University of Notre Dame.
He told students not to shy away from asking questions about personal growth, whether it be in the classroom or to the Holy Spirit.
“If they are authentic and truthful answers that you seek, the kind that will really change your life, ask them in your classes, ask them in the dining commons and in moments of personal reflection, but most especially, ask them of the Holy Spirit,” Dr. Kilpatrick said. “The Advocate (the Holy Spirit) is the Lord, the giver of life.”
The university’s president went on to explain how the world will claim to have answers to happiness and will distract from what he called “the hard questions.”
“By contrast, the Holy Spirit will provide answers that are truthful and will fulfill you as a person, the world of God and His Spirit are at the origin of the being and the life of every creature,” he said.
Dr. Kilpatrick converted to Catholicism upon marrying his wife, Nancy, as he agreed to raise their children Catholic. They now share four children and three grandchildren.
“As you begin this new chapter of your university careers, invite the Holy Spirit into your life, allow the spirit of God to help discover the meaning of your life, let God’s Spirit bless and nourish your heart and illuminate and strengthen your mind,” he said.
Lorenzo Lopez Olan, a freshman at Catholic University studying philosophy, said he’s looking forward to “the people and growth in faith” in the upcoming academic year.
Elizabeth Pakaluk, another freshman at the university, is studying piano performance and is looking forward to embarking on her college experience this year.
“Getting to know the community, growing in my faith and in my studies, I’ve met a lot of my professors already and really enjoy them, I’m really excited to learn more from them,” Pakaluk said.
Pakaluk’s family works at Catholic University, so she is familiar with the school and some of its history.
“My parents both work here, and so I did have the opportunity to know a little bit about the past president as well, President (John) Garvey, who was excellent, but yes, my parents and I are excited about President Kilpatrick,” Pakaluk said.