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Cardinal’s ministry here included defending life, upholding dignity

Cardinal Wilton Gregory receives offertory gifts during the Youth Mass for Life on Jan. 24, 2025 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington, D.C. The annual Mass sponsored by The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington preceded the March for Life in the nation’s capital. (Catholic Standard photo by Mihoko Owada)

While serving as the archbishop of Washington from May 2019 to January 2025, Cardinal Wilton Gregory emphasized the dignity of the human person, focusing on issues such as workers’ rights, poverty, immigration, opposition to the death penalty, and the sanctity of life.

A holistic approach to life issues

While leading The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, Cardinal Gregory consistently promoted a broad approach to life issues, addressing abortion, racism, environmental stewardship, and immigration.

Kathryn Yanik, the former director of the archdiocese’s Office of Life Issues, described his approach.

“Cardinal Gregory takes such a thoughtful approach to life issues by talking about the full spectrum of life,” Yanik said. “He has been clear in sharing the Church’s teaching that care for creation, anti-racism, and the support of immigrants are all beliefs that shape our values and actions.”

Defending the sanctity of life

Cardinal Gregory has been a vocal advocate for protecting life from conception to natural death. Speaking at the Rally and Mass for Life on Jan. 29, 2021, he emphasized the Church’s call to respect all human life.

“The Beatitudes are the new standards that dare to suggest that we are to view life itself and our opinions about other people in a different way,” he said.

He rejected justifications for abortion, stating: “Various people have called it merely a choice, others claim it as a human right, some have defended it as a personal decision, a few even suggest it as just a womanly act of self-determination – anything to keep from accepting God’s standard of respect and love for every human life – even that which is waiting to be born.”

Under his leadership, the Office of Life Issues expanded its Pro-Life Grant Program, which provides financial support to crisis pregnancy centers and parish-based ministries.

Advocating for workers’ rights

At the archdiocese’s annual Labor Day Mass on Sept. 6, 2021, Cardinal Gregory spoke about the dignity of workers, regardless of their profession.

“Workers and laborers are people with a dignity that comes not simply from what they do but inherently from who they are as God’s own reflection – as God’s children,” he said.

He also called for greater appreciation of all professions.

“Our gratitude and respect must be for all types of workers, from those who are full partners in the most prestigious law firms in Washington to those who landscape and serve as domestics, from those who work in factories to those who clean office buildings,” Cardinal Gregory said.

Opposing the death penalty

Cardinal Gregory has spoken against capital punishment, emphasizing the need for a justice system rooted in mercy.

In his 2022 Good Friday homily at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, he urged Catholics to reflect on the societal impact of the death penalty.

“We are not seeking the wholesale release of murderers and dangerous criminals back into society. We are not urging our nation to neglect its obligation to protect its citizens. We are not suggesting that dangerous people are not dangerous people. We are, however, beseeching Catholics everywhere to consider carefully the impact that capital punishment has on us as a society,” he said.

He described capital punishment as part of a cycle of violence.

“Taking the life of one who has taken another’s life is most assuredly just another link in the horror of violence of which there is far too much in our world,” he said.

Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory prays as he elevates the cross during the Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of the Lord on April 15, 2022 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. In his homily at that liturgy, he spoke out against the death penalty. (Catholic Standard photo by Andrew Biraj)
Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory prays as he elevates the cross during the Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of the Lord on April 15, 2022 at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle. In his homily at that liturgy, he spoke out against the death penalty. (Catholic Standard photo by Andrew Biraj)

He also spoke about inequities in the justice system.

“A disproportionate number of today’s prisoners are young, people of color, Hispanic, destitute, and for the most part poorly educated,” he said. “We must all be deeply disturbed to consider that our judicial systems are unjust to the poor, the illiterate, the mentally impeded, or those who lack the means to speak sufficiently for and about themselves.”

In recognition of his advocacy, the Catholic Mobilizing Network honored Cardinal Gregory in 2022 for his leadership in opposing the death penalty.

Support for the poor and marginalized

On Sept. 26, 2021, Cardinal Gregory blessed a statue at Holy Trinity Parish in Georgetown depicting Christ as a homeless man. Created by Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz, the statue serves as a reminder of Christ’s presence in the poor.

“When we encounter the poor, we encounter Christ himself,” Cardinal Gregory said. “This statue will soon become commonplace here at this parish, but I hope and pray that its significance and message will be a lingering Gospel passage for all those who see it.”

At the National Eucharistic Congress in July 2024, Cardinal Gregory emphasized that belief in Christ’s Eucharistic presence should inspire charity and service.

“Believing in Christ’s genuine Eucharistic presence must also prompt our equally important active response to that presence, in charity in each of our lives offered in service and with care for others,” he said.

He also spoke about encountering homelessness and poverty in the United States.

“Along the journey, you no doubt came face to face with a number of homeless people who frequently live on the streets, in parks, under bridges. They too are a genuine reflection of Christ himself,” Cardinal Gregory said.

Advocating for immigrants and refugees

Cardinal Gregory has also spoken in support of immigration reform.

Speaking on Capitol Hill on July 21, 2021, he urged Congress to enact policies that uphold family unity and provide pathways to citizenship.

“Like many of our own family members who made a new life here… we too are called to demonstrate kindness and a spirit of welcome to our migrant and refugee sisters and brothers, who are greatly contributing to our society through work and service,” he said.

He called for legislation to support Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status holders, and other undocumented essential workers, reinforcing Catholic social teaching on migration.

“Every person has the right to live in his or her own homeland, in security and dignity with opportunities for work,” he said. “However, when the loss of these rights forces individuals to migrate to other lands, we must welcome them, protect them, and generously share our abundance with them.”

A legacy of leadership

During his tenure as archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Gregory championed issues of human dignity. Under his leadership, the archdiocese launched initiatives supporting workers, low-income individuals, and immigrants. His public remarks encouraged dialogue, outreach, and advocacy, reinforcing Catholic social teaching on justice and compassion.

Yanik reflected on his leadership and ability to advocate for human dignity consistently.

“I have also been grateful to learn from Cardinal Gregory in his ability to speak out on justice issues without concession,” Yanik said. “I have seen him speak out against abortion and racism in the same breath. He is able to engage in politics without being partisan and able to speak out on multiple issues without watering down Church teaching. I think he is a remarkable example of what it means to be consistent and persistent in speaking truth.”

