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Maryland Catholic Conference’s statement regarding the passage of Question 1

Question 1 – the ballot initiative to enshrine in Maryland’s Constitution an amendment that “confirms an individual’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom” – was overwhelmingly passed by Maryland voters Nov. 6.

More than 74 percent of the state’s voters approved the measure, that makes it virtually impossible for Maryland lawmakers to enact any laws that would “directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right” to an abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy.

Jenny Kraska, executive director of the Maryland Catholic Conference, responded with the following statement to the passage of the “Right to Reproductive Freedom” constitutional amendment, which enshrines abortion in the state constitution:

“The passage of Question 1, which enshrines abortion in the Maryland constitution, is a painful moment in Maryland history and one we believe future generations will look back upon with deep regret and bewilderment.

“Even before this vote, abortion was legal in Maryland for anyone, any reason and at any time. This vote has made it more difficult for our state to enact any safeguards for women’s health and to respond to changing information and needs. This is deeply troubling and should concern all residents.

“Through our hearts, prayers, parishes and ministries, we remain firmly committed to walking with women and their children during and after pregnancy. We remain committed to advocating for policies and laws that cherish life and address the root causes that lead to abortion.”

