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Photo Gallery: Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving for the Canonical Erection of the Washington Oratory

During a July 10 Mass at Saint Thomas Apostle Church in Northwest Washington, D.C., the decree establishing the Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington as a Congregation of Pontifical Right was proclaimed to the public by Father Marco Guillen, a member of the congregation and apostolic visitor to Oratories worldwide. Here, after reading the decree, Father Marco (far left) presents it to the members of the local oratory (from left) Msgr. Andrew R. Wadsworth, moderator of the local Oratory of Saint Philip Neri; Brother Noah Sell; Father Richard Mullins, who serves as pastor of St. Thomas Apostle Parish; Brother Benjamin Schulte; and Father Joseph Tyson Murphy, who serves as the interim director of the archdiocese’s Office of Worship. (CS Photo by Mihoko Owada)
During July 10 Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving for the Canonical Erection of the Washington Oratory, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, archbishop of Washington, elevates the sacred host. To the right of Cardinal Gregory is Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop emeritus of Washington who in 2013 established the community-in-formation of the Oratory in The Roman Archdiocese of Washington. At far right is Father Richard Mullins, pastor of St. Thomas Apostle Parish. (CS Photo by Mihoko Owada)
During July 10 Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving for the Canonical Erection of the Washington Oratory, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, archbishop of Washington, elevates the sacred host. To the right of Cardinal Gregory is Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop emeritus of Washington who in 2013 established the community-in-formation of the Oratory in The Roman Archdiocese of Washington. At far right is Father Richard Mullins, pastor of St. Thomas Apostle Parish. (CS Photo by Mihoko Owada)

