Ordaining 12 new permanent deacons for The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington during a June 3 Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Cardinal Wilton Gregory encouraged them to be men of prayer and service.
“My brothers in the Lord, deepen your life of prayer as a deacon. For it will be in prayer that you will find the strength and the wisdom to fulfill your duties both within your families and within the family of the Church,” the cardinal said in his homily.

Washington’s archbishop emphasized that the ordained ministry “is a gift from God for the life of the Church.. always intended for service of our brothers and sisters.”
Cardinal Gregory said the Archdiocese of Washington rejoiced that day at the ordination of the new permanent deacons.

“They are our friends, relatives, neighbors and colleagues. They present themselves to the Church because they have heard the Lord’s gentle but persistent invitation to enter this sacramental order of gospel charity,” he said.
The cardinal noted that the deacons’ new ministry was made possible by the steadfast support of their wives who “helped to shape you into the men that you are today. They are your soul mates, your friends, your companions on the journey of faith.”
He encouraged the newly ordained deacons to “renew within your own hearts your wedding promises to them, and you must reaffirm your love for the children and grandchildren with whom God has blessed you. The grace of Holy Orders will be made more fruitful in your lives if you keep your family life as the unquestioned priority in your hearts.”

Cardinal Gregory said that in his four years as the archbishop of Washington, he has come to know how deacons are active in their parishes and communities and are “eager to build up the Body of Christ that is the Church.”
Then the cardinal underscored how deacons have “an obligation to work for charity and justice in the tradition of the Catholic Church.”
“As deacons, you must dedicate yourselves to the care of the poor, the lonely, the disenfranchised, the immigrant and the forgotten,” the cardinal said, noting those people are found in every community. “…As a deacon, you must make it your highest calling always to seek them out, to welcome them to the Church, to offer them the same compassionate care that they would find from Christ Jesus Himself.”

Cardinal Gregory also encouraged the new deacons to be reverent as they carry out their sacramental ministries when they preside at Baptisms, witness weddings, assist at funeral Masses and share the Eucharist. He asked them to work cooperatively with the pastors at their parishes and provide a witness of harmony and mutual affection with the priests they are serving with.

As he concluded his homily, the cardinal recommended that the deacons reflect their new role not only in their parishes, but especially in their homes and workplaces.
“As deacons, your primary obligations will continue to be found within your families and in the workplace. Bring the presence of your Office to those situations with your gentle demeanor and reverential attitude,” he said.
The 12 new permanent deacons ordained by Cardinal Wilton Gregory for The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington on June 3 at the National Shrine include:
- Deacon Emmanuel A. Abongwa of Holy Family Parish in Mitchellville, Maryland;
- Deacon Yannick Allepot of Saint Camillus Parish in Silver Spring, Maryland;
- Deacon Wesley E. Bryant of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish in North Beach, Maryland;
- Deacon Ronnie O. Chavez of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Lexington Park, Maryland;
- Deacon Michael J. Dorsett of Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish in Owings;
- Deacon David J. Hauge of Saint Peter’s Parish in Olney, Maryland;
- Deacon Matt Konieczny of Saint Patrick Parish in Rockville, Maryland;
- Deacon Matthew D. Menard of Saint Aloysius Church in Leonardtown, Maryland;
- Deacon Derek Robinson of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in Washington, D.C.;
- Deacon Walter Sanchez of Saint Catherine Labouré Parish, in Wheaton, Maryland;
- Deacon James C. Summers III of Our Lady of the Wayside Parish in Chaptico, Maryland;
- and Deacon Brodie Wise of Saint Andrew Apostle Parish in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Related article:
Cardinal Gregory ordains 12 new permanent deacons for archdiocese