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Junior Saints for April 2022: Jesus in Holy Week and Easter

“To me, Holy Week is a time of reverence, reconciliation, thankfulness and worship. I think this because we should not only be thankful for Jesus’s sacrifice, but we shouldn’t let it be in vain by not being sorry for our sins.” – Artwork and writing by Leah Bryant, eighth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie, Maryland

For the April 2022 Junior Saints, students were invited to draw a picture of Jesus during Holy Week (Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday or Good Friday) or of Jesus at Easter, and write about what that Holy Week event or what Easter means to them.  

St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“Easter for me is a time when I can start anew, and it’s the best opportunity for me to work on my relationship with God. Easter is also the best time for me personally to thank God for all He has ever done and to be grateful that Jesus was willing to die for us. I can now tell my younger relatives who don’t know as much about Easter as I do, about why Easter is so important.” – Artwork and writing by Antonio Cabellon, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“Palm Sunday is Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday is a reminder of welcoming Jesus into our hearts and wanting to follow Him. Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. Easter to me means a celebration of Jesus fulfilling His purpose on Earth.” – Braelyn Bynum, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“During Palm Sunday, the people of Jerusalem welcomed Jesus with open arms. He was treated almost like a king. To me, Palm Sunday represents Jesus’s willingness to accept his Father’s will to save us all from sin. He entered Jerusalem knowing what he’d need to do, and he carried it out…” – Drawing and writing by Allison Bogley, eighth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“Easter is about the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To me, it’s about the fact that Jesus loved us so much, that He was willing to go through all the pain, suffering and even die for us… It was such a selfless thing to do. I know most of us would find it very hard to do that for another person, not to mention a whole bunch of people we don’t even know. I think Easter is a time to reflect on what Jesus did for us and be extra grateful for it.” – Maegan Adamu, eighth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie 

“Holy Week is both a time of joy and sorrow. It is the pinnacle of our faith. Holy Thursday is the day of the Last Supper, the agony in the garden and the capture of Christ. To me, Holy Thursday shows that Christ was not only God, but also human. He actually experienced stress, fear and other emotions like us. Because I know this, I can better understand Christ and connect with my faith.” – Artwork and writing by Julian Righi, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“Holy Week is a time when we celebrate how Jesus died on the cross for our sins. No matter what, He will always forgive us… He taught us how to live a better life.” – Amarachi Oleru, seventh grade, , St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“To me, Easter is a time to think about all of the pain and suffering that Jesus had to face, and to think about the reason for it, and how He saved us from sin. Jesus rising from the dead was a sign that we should never lose faith in the Lord, for He will always prevail, and He will always be there for us.” – Artwork and writing by Evania Nikodimos, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

 St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

Artwork by Ellie Cheng, fifth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“To me, Easter represents us as Christians and Jesus rejoicing after the resurrection. We go through 40 days of Lent to prepare and await for the coming of Jesus Christ when He forgives our sins and promises us everlasting life with Him. During Easter, my family and I go to church, and I think about Jesus’s sacrifice and all He has done for us.” – Alexandra Hughes, seventh grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

Artwork by Brooke Hughes, seventh grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda 

“What Easter means to me is celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus, our Lord. It also means spending time with our families. It is important to celebrate, because it is a happy time. Jesus died so we are able to go to heaven and live with Him forever. Easter also means to reflect on how we did on our Lenten promises and goals. We should thank the Lord for His help and patience as well as ask for more help for the future. But while we are asking Him for everything, we should thank Him for everything we have. We should make a special point on Good Friday to thank Jesus for His sacrifice.” – Jude (last name not given), seventh grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda 

“I love Easter because I always have a lot of fun with my family. We wake up, do an Easter egg hunt, have a nice breakfast, go to Mass, usually shortly visit some family and relax. My drawing is of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on his donkey with all the palms waving at him.” – Artwork and writing by Sophia Delaney, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“Good Friday was an important day. During Good Friday, Jesus was crucified. Because of Jesus’ suffering on the cross, we were saved from sin. Good Friday means a lot to me because Jesus suffered greatly, and the more I think about it, I think how difficult it might have been. Jesus’ suffering saved us. It probably was so difficult to have nails driven into your hands, but Jesus did it for us, out of love. Because Jesus did this out of love, it makes me think that Good Friday is really important because Jesus loved us so greatly he let himself be crucified, even though He did nothing wrong. Good Friday means a lot to me because of Jesus’ love for us, what He did out of love for us was incredible.” – Artwork and writing by Coco Chiu, fifth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda 

“Easter is a big holiday in my family. We always get together, have a big lunch, an Easter egg hunt, and of course, go to Mass. I look forward to it every year, and I will always cherish the memories with my family on Easter.” – Artwork and writing by Lee Hartman, eighth grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

Sacred Heart School, Washington, D.C.

“I drew Jesus on the cross because Good Friday makes me think about how Jesus died for our sins. I drew the person praying in front of him to show how much we appreciate what he gave up for us and how much we love him.” – Artwork and writing by Samuel Romero, seventh grade, Sacred Heart School, Washington, D.C.

 “To me, Good Friday means a day to take a moment and reflect on what Jesus had to go through just to save all of us. It’s a time to pray and spend time with him. I drew Jesus like this because I wanted to show all he went through for us and how much he loves us.” – Artwork and writing by Natalia Wills, seventh grade, Sacred Heart School, Washington, D.C.

“I drew Jesus on Palm Sunday. I drew this because this is the first day of Holy Week and helps us to get ready for Easter. This is the day that Jesus came to Jerusalem as our king, and it is so important to remember this and honor him with palms each year." – Artwork and writing by Fernando Rodriguez-Benitez, seventh grade, Sacred Heart School, Washington, D.C.

“Easter to me means a time where we can remember God and what He did for us. I really appreciate that… It does hurt to think back in time and see what He went through for us… All I ever do, it’s all because of Him and that’s what Easter means to me.” – Artwork and writing by Madeleine Alas Benitez, sixth grade, Sacred Heart School, Washington, D.C. 

“Easter to me means ‘another chance’ because Jesus’s resurrection happened… And even if he’s not visible, he’s always present.” – Artwork and writing by Isabella Escobar, sixth grade, Sacred Heart School, Washington, D.C. 

“Easter means a joyous day for me… This day is mostly about Jesus and his Resurrection. This is a time to think about his death and life, it shows how he comes back to us. I think people made up the non-religious part of Easter to have fun with the candy, eggs, bunnies, etc. But the most important thing is Jesus and his Resurrection.” –Keiry Rivas, sixth grade, Sacred Heart School, Washington, D.C.

 St. Peter’s School, Waldorf

Drawing by Sydnee Krieger, eighth grade, St. Peter’s School, Waldorf, Maryland

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) – Drawing by Emily Yanick, seventh grade, St. Peter’s School, Waldorf

Artwork by Mackenzie Mills, eighth grade, St. Peter’s School, Waldorf 

Artwork by Karington Ben, seventh grade, St. Peter’s School, Waldorf

Artwork by Amber Kla, fourth grade, St. Peter’s School, Waldorf

Artwork by Rachel Tran, first grade, St. Peter’s School, Waldorf

St. Jude Regional Catholic School, Rockville

“Palm Sunday is important to me, because it is a day where we proclaim our faith. We are able to say that Jesus is the king. When the time came, Jesus went into Jerusalem seeing all of the sorrow and happiness in everyone… Jesus came to save each and every one of us.” – Artwork by Isabella Araniva, fifth grade, St. Jude Regional Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (Luke 23:34) – Artwork by Eliot Mendes, eighth grade, St. Jude Regional Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“Jesus willingly died for us, to free us from sin.” – Angelina Santoro, fifth grade, St. Jude Regional Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“Jesus has had a huge impact on me and my life. Being a Catholic is a huge privilege to me. I get to be in this world because of him.” – Ayla Barish, fifth grade, St. Jude Regional Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

“Jesus Christ has given us new life through his death and resurrection.” – Amalia White, fifth grade, St. Jude Regional Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

Artwork by Emme Price, fifth grade, St. Jude Regional Catholic School, Rockville, Maryland

Our Lady of Victory School, Washington

“Easter means that the world is happy and Jesus is back.” – Artwork and writing by Orla Donnell, second grade, Our Lady of Victory School, Washington

 “Easter means to me that a special time to find eggs and be with your family and to honor Jesus and pray to him, and it is the end of Lent and you can go on vacation.” – Vivienne Holmes, second grade, Our Lady of Victory School, Washington

“Easter means love, happiness, kindness, helpfulness and love of Jesus.” – Artwork and writing by Sophia Afram, second grade, Our Lady of Victory School, Washington

“Easter means to thank Jesus for what he did for us, and to admire what he did for us.” – Kathleen Jennings, second grade, Our Lady of Victory School, Washington

“Easter is an important time, because Jesus comes back to life and becomes stronger.” – Artwork and writing by Gabrielle Jepsen, second grade, Our Lady of Victory School, Washington

“Easter means joy.” – Allison French, second grade, Our Lady of Victory School, Washington

 St. Mary’s School, Landover Hills

“The picture I drew is of Jesus with the crown of thorns on His head. I drew this because to me, it is important to recognize the suffering He went through for us. Through being crucified, dying and rising on the third day, He saved us from sin. I drew this picture to portray the pain He was going through at the time. To me, the picture represents the sacrifice He made for us and His strength while doing so.” – Artwork and writing by Kyra Lamptey, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Landover Hills

“Of all the days in Holy Week, I chose to draw the event that happened on Good Friday. Good Friday was Jesus’s crucifixion. The event has great significance to me, since it shows that He loves us so much that He would died for our forgiveness. It is my hope to spend eternity with Him and my family when He comes again.” – Artwork and writing by Nyah Carter, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Landover Hills

“I chose to draw Jesus Christ because I believe that Jesus died for us, He watches over us through dark times, and He always forgives us. Jesus Christ is my Father, my Savior, and my God. I wouldn’t be here without Him, so every chance I get, I say ‘thank you’ to Him.” – Artwork and writing by Sharalynn Augustin, eighth grade, St. Mary’s School, Landover Hills

“I like Palm Sunday because it is the day Jesus came. The Son of God is here.” – Artwork and writing by Olivia Ramiraz-Alfaro, first grade, St. Mary's School, Landover Hills 

“On Palm Sunday the people celebrated Jesus. They were singing and cheering for Him." – Chetanna Ibe, first grade, St. Mary's School, Landover Hills 

“I like Holy Thursday because it helps us remember Jesus.” – Artwork and writing by Jawannanma Ojimba, first grade, St. Mary's School, Landover Hills 

“At the Last Supper, Jesus and His 12 apostles ate a meal. Jesus gave His Body and Blood. He gave Himself as a gift.” – Marco Vasquez, first grade, St. Mary's School, Landover Hills 

“On Good Friday I feel happy. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins.” – Josael Argueta, first grade, St. Mary's School, Landover Hills 

“On Easter, Jesus is alive. I feel happy." – Aubrey Dinkins, first grade, St. Mary's School, Landover Hills 

“Jesus rose from the dead.” – Artwork and writing by Uchechi Nwugo, first grade, St. Mary's School, Landover Hills 

The Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham

“I drew the Resurrection because Easter makes me very happy, because Jesus has risen… Jesus opened the gates of heaven for us… Jesus’s love for us is truly amazing. I’m ever so thankful for God sacrificing His only Son for us, now we can all be happy in heaven!” – Artwork and writing by Olivia Udebuala, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham, Maryland

Drawing by Isabella Penado, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham, Maryland

“Holy Thursday is when Jesus washes the disciples’ feet, and they do the Last Supper. During the Last Supper, Jesus turns the bread and wine into His Body and Blood.” – Bezankeng Khumbah, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham, Maryland

“…Jesus died for our sins, and He still prays for us… Jesus loves us all equally, no matter what sin we do.” – Artwork and writing by Sydney Esene, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham, Maryland

“When I look at the cross, I always look at it and say I am so blessed that Jesus died on the cross for me and everyone. I would like to thank Jesus for all he has ever done to make me who I am today and every day.” – Korrine Wiseman, fifth grade, the Academy of St. Matthias the Apostle, Lanham, Maryland

St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“Easter is a time of reflection and forgiveness. It is a time for joy, because of what God has done for us. Jesus’s resurrection gives us hope. It is a special time to celebrate with your family and rejoice!” – Artwork and writing by Gavin Smit, seventh grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

“Easter is the time when Jesus rose from the dead. What this means to me is that Jesus is finally free from the hurt and suffering when He died on the cross on Good Friday.” –Artwork and writing by Josette Amado, eighth grade, St. Columba School, Oxon Hill

Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Thomas Perrin, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons, Maryland

“Easter is the time when Jesus was resurrected. Even though I like Easter eggs and candy, I know Easter is really about the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and that’s why there is Easter. It’s not all about eggs or bunnies. It’s about going to church and praying as well.” – Artwork and writing by Dillon Matters, seventh grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“Easter is the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This event is central to our heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. I also think it symbolizes the complete verification of all that Jesus preached and taught during His three-year ministry. If He had not risen from the dead, if He had merely died and not been resurrected, He would have been another teacher or rabbi. Easter is also honoring and recognizing Jesus Christ in His great power and His glorious promises of eternal life for all who believe in Him. I love being a part of this Easter journey.” – Artwork and writing by Franki White, eighth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Lily Frazier, third grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“Good Friday is important to me because Jesus died on the cross in love for us. And no one has greater love than this.” – Connor Fleshman, fourth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“I drew six events because they all are important. The first event is when Jesus takes up his cross, and this is important because it shows he was willing to die for us. The next event is where Jesus falls. This is important because it shows that even when Jesus was weak, he still went on his way. The next two events are when Simon helps Jesus carry the cross, and when Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. Both these events show how some nice people out there were willing to help. And the last two events are Jesus dying on the cross, and Jesus rising from the dead. Both these events show that Jesus will always be with us.” – Artwork and writing by Nicolas Olekson, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“Good Friday means a lot to me. This day still serves as a reminder of how Jesus loves and forgives us all. He went through all this pain and suffering to free us from sin. Even when he was tired, bloody and had thorns on his head and he was on the cross, he said, ‘Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.’ This day truly puts into perspective how much Jesus cares about us.” – Haley Hermann, sixth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Artwork by Charlotte Adams, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

“Easter is special to me, because this is the day Jesus was resurrected. Easter always falls on a Sunday. We are very thankful that Jesus rose from the dead. He died on the Friday before Easter Sunday, which we celebrate as Good Friday. He died on the cross to save my soul. I do my best to make good decisions, so I can go to heaven one day.” – Kenny Napier, third grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons


May Junior Saints

In May, we honor Mary and we also celebrate Mother’s Day. For the May Junior Saints online children’s section of the Catholic Standard, students are invited to draw a picture and write about Mary or their mother. The drawings and writings should be emailed to by May 11, 2022 to Mark Zimmermann, the Catholic Standard's editor, and they should include the name, grade and school or parish of the student printed clearly.

Due to time constraints involved with reviewing the volume of submitted work, it is requested that schools or parish religious education programs limit their entries to 10 drawings and 10 writings from their students. The best formats to send are jpegs for artwork and word documents or pdfs for writing, if possible. Thank you!
