For the June Junior Saints children’s section of the Catholic Standard newspaper and website, students at Catholic schools and parishes in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington were invited to draw a picture of their favorite priest and write about what they admire about him.
“I think Father Brendan Glasgow is a great priest, because he comes and teaches us, and we get to learn how to become a saint.” – Hayley Hermandorfer, first grade, St. Peter School, Capitol Hill
“My favorite thing about Father Brendan Glasgow is when the tells stories about Jesus.” – Nora Perez, first grade, St. Peter School, Capitol Hill

“Father Mike Wilson is my favorite priest because his homilies tell a story. They are really inspiring and are easy to understand. He is the happiest person I know, and he was always smiling… He always talked to me after Mass and was giving me fist-bumps. Father Mike was my priest when I was little and before I came to school there, and I am glad he was the priest who introduced me to the Lord.” – Drawing of Msgr. Michael Wilson and writing by Stella Bailey, fifth grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons

Drawing of Msgr. John Enzler by Claire Schreiber, sixth grade, St. Bartholomew Catholic School, Bethesda

Drawing of Father Mark Smith by Audrey Li, third grade, St. Bartholomew School, Bethesda

“Father Larry Swink is one of the most kind-hearted, sweet and funny people you can meet. Father Swink always listens and fully involves himself in a conversation with you about anything. He also loves to play sports, any sport he can play… This is the priest that always stands out to me, because he is and always has been full of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” – Drawing and writing by Grace Woodburn, seventh grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown

Drawing of Father Bob Kilner by Camryn Stark, seventh grade, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Solomons
“My favorite priest is Father Rory Conley. He helps me live out my faith and helps me know more about my faith…” – Aniston Payne, sixth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“Father Rory Conley is nice and humble. He has been at our church for a long time. He is devoted to the church and God.” – Cayla McMahon, fifth grade, St. Mary’s School, Bryantown
“My favorite priest is Father Mike Jones, the pastor of St. Pius X School. I picked him because he connects to children in a special way. For young kids, he makes sure everyone understands his homily.” – Daniel Williams, seventh grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie

“Msgr. Charles Parry is my favorite priest. He baptized me as a baby and hosted my Confirmation at my family’s church, Sacred Heart in Bowie. Msgr. Parry is super friendly and really cares about his parishioners. He is intelligent and loving.” – Drawing and writing by Jonathan Fanelli, sixth grade, St. Pius X Regional School, Bowie
(The Catholic Standard's Junior Saints section highlighting students’ drawings and writings will return in the fall as the new school year begins.)