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Cardinal Gregory celebrates 60th anniversary of St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School

A student prays during a May 3 Mass marking the 60th anniversary of St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School in Camp Springs, Maryland. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)

Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory celebrated a Mass on the Feast of St. Philip and St. James and in honor of the 60th anniversary of St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School in Camp Springs, Maryland on May 3, 2021.  According to its principal, Deanna Johnson, the school is “a hidden gem right in the center of Prince George's County. (CS photos by Andrew Biraj)

St. Philip the Apostle principal Deanna Johnson welcomes Cardinal Wilton Gregory before the Mass to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the school's founding. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)
Father Patrick Lewis, pastor of St. Philip the Apostle Parish, welcomes Cardinal Gregory at the beginning of the Mass. (CS Photo/Andrew Biraj)
Students pray during the Mass marking the 60th anniversary of St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School. (CS Photo/Andrew Biraj)
Deacon Darryl Kelley prepares to read the Gospel at the Mass celebrated by Cardinal Gregory at St. Philip the Apostle Church in Camp Springs. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)
Cardinal Gregory speaks during the Mass. At left is Deacon Darryl Kelley and at right is the pastor, Father Patrick Lewis. (CS Photo/Andrew Biraj)
In the photos above and below, children pray during the May 3 anniversary Mass for St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School in Camp Springs. (CS photos/Andrew Biraj)

Cardinal Gregory delivers his homily during the Mass, as he makes a point telling the St. Philip students that “feast days are very much like birthdays … and today we give thanks for the birthday of this school.” (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)
Cardinal Gregory elevates the Eucharist during the Mass at St. Philip the Apstle Church. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)
St. Philip the Apostle principal Deanna Johnson kneels with students during  the Mass marking the 60th anniversary of the school's founding. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)
Students pray during the May 3 Mass celebrating the 60th anniversary of St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)
Deacon Darryl Kelly gives Communion to a St. Philip student during the anniversary Mass. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)

A student presents Cardinal Gregory with the artwork near the end of the Mass. Assisting the cardinal at the Mass was Father Charles Cortinovis, his priest secretary. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)

After the Mass, student altar servers lead the procession out of the St. Philip the Apostle Church. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)

See related story: 

On 60th anniversary, St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School called a ‘hidden gem’ and praised for its legacy of faith
