Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory announced the following priest appointments this week. They are effective as indicated.
Father Carlos Andres Reyes Ramirez, c.s., at the presentation of Very Reverend Angelo Plodari, c.s., Provincial Superior, Scalabrinians, Province of St. Charles Borromeo, to pastor, St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish and Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Riverdale Park, Maryland; from pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Immokalee, Florida, effective July 1, 2021.
Father Mark A. Cusick, to pastor, St. Michael Parish, Brandywine, Maryland and the Mission of St. Dominic in Aquasco, Maryland; from pastor, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Washington, D.C., effective July 7, 2021.
Father Matthew J. Fish, to pastor, St. Mary Parish, Charlotte Hall, Maryland; from administrator, Holy Family Parish, Hillcrest Heights, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Andrew B. Gonzalo, to pastor, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Washington, D.C.; from pastor, St. Benedict the Moor Parish, Washington, D.C. and pastor, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Washington, D.C., effective July 7, 2021.
Father Jaime B. Hernandez, to pastor, St. Gabriel Parish, Washington, D.C.; from pastor, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Clinton, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Mario A. Majano, to pastor, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Clinton, Maryland; from parochial vicar, St. Andrew the Apostle Parish, Silver Spring, Maryland, with special ministry to the Catholic Hispanic community at the Catholic Charities Center, Wheaton, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father MichaĆ Sajnog, to pastor, St. Benedict the Moor Parish, Washington, D.C. and pastor, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Washington, D.C.; from on leave for health reasons, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Gregory W. Shaffer, to pastor, Our Lady of the Visitation Parish, Darnestown, Maryland; from pastor, Assumption Parish, Washington, D.C., effective July 7, 2021.
Father Lawrence C. Swink, to pastor, St. Cecilia Parish, Saint Mary’s City, Maryland, and pastor, St. Peter Claver Parish, St. Inigoes, Maryland; from pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, La Plata, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Scott Woods, to pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, La Plata, Maryland; from pastor, St. Cecilia Parish, Saint Mary’s City, Maryland, and pastor, St. Peter Claver Parish, St. Inigoes, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Administrators and chaplains
Father Jason A. Catania, to chaplain part-time to the Catholic patients and staff at the Washington Hospital Center, while continuing as parochial vicar, St. Luke Parish, Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, Fort Washington, Maryland, effective June 1, 2021.
Father Tony A. D’Souza, to administrator, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Washington, D.C.; from parochial vicar, St. Martin of Tours Parish, Gaithersburg, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Philip W. Ilg, to administrator, Holy Family Parish, Hillcrest Heights, Maryland; from parochial vicar, Mother Seton Parish, Germantown, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Cezary Kozubek, to administrator, Assumption Parish, Washington, D.C.; from parochial vicar, St. John the Baptist Parish, Silver Spring, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Stefan I. Megyery, to administrator, Epiphany Parish, Washington, D.C. and chaplain to the Catholic students and staff of George Washington University, Washington, D.C.; from parochial vicar, St. Elizabeth Parish, Rockville, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Parochial vicars
Father Mark Escobar, c.s., at the presentation of Very Reverend Angelo Plodari, c.s., Provincial Superior, Scalabrinians, Province of St. Charles Borromeo, to parochial vicar, St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish and Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Riverdale Park, Maryland, and continuing as chaplain, Villa Rosa Nursing Home, Mitchellville, Maryland, effective July 1, 2021.
Father Patrick S. Agustin, to parochial vicar, St. Martin of Tours Parish, Gaithersburg, Maryland; from post-ordination studies, Pontifical North American College, Rome, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Nathanael P. Anderson, to parochial vicar, St. John the Baptist Parish, Silver Spring, Maryland; from post-ordination studies, Pontifical North American College, Rome, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Oscar A. Astigarraga, to parochial vicar, St. Bartholomew Parish, Bethesda, Maryland; from parochial vicar, St. Rose of Lima Parish, Gaithersburg, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Alberto Biondi, to parochial vicar, Mother Seton Parish, Germantown, Maryland; from parochial vicar, St. Catherine Labouré Parish, Wheaton, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Blake Evans-Campos, to parochial vicar, St. Andrew Apostle Parish, Silver Spring, Maryland with special ministry to the Catholic Hispanic community at the Catholic Charities Center, Wheaton, Maryland; from leave of absence for health reasons, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Kevin A. Fields, to parochial vicar, St. Elizabeth Parish, Rockville, Maryland; from parochial vicar, St. Mary Parish, Rockville, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Benjamin A. Garcia, to parochial vicar, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Silver Spring, Maryland; from parochial vicar, Our Lady Help of Christians Parish, Waldorf, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father James D. Glasgow, to parochial vicar, St. Mary Parish, Rockville, Maryland; from post-ordination studies, Pontifical North American College, Rome, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Emanuel Lucero, to parochial vicar, St. Rose of Lima Parish, Gaithersburg, Maryland; from parochial vicar, Saint Peter Parish, Olney, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Santiago Martin, to parochial vicar, Saint Peter Parish, Olney, Maryland; from parochial vicar, St. Bartholomew Parish, Bethesda, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father Jan T. Pietryga, to parochial vicar, Our Lady Help of Christians Parish, Waldorf, Maryland; from parochial vicar, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Silver Spring, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Assignments outside of the Archdiocese of Washington
Father Fidelis O. Umukoro, O.P., to assignment outside the Archdiocese of Washington; from chaplain to the Catholic patients and staff at the Washington Hospital Center, effective June 1, 2021.
Father Martin E. Flum, to on discernment leave; from pastor, St. Michael Parish, Brandywine, Maryland and the Mission of St. Dominic in Aquasco, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Rev. Kevin C. Kennedy, to Leadership Roundtable; from pastor, St. Gabriel Parish, Washington, D.C., effective July 7, 2021.
Father Jefferson Bariviera, c.s., at the presentation of Very Reverend Angelo Plodari, c.s., Provincial Superior, Scalabrinians, Province of St. Charles Borromeo, to assigned by order outside the Archdiocese of Washington; from pastor, St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish and Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Riverdale Park, Maryland, effective July 1, 2021.
Newly ordained
Father Nicholas Morrison to parochial vicar pro tem, St. John Francis Regis Parish, Hollywood, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.
Father William C. Woody, S.J., at the presentation of the Very Reverend Joseph M. O’Keefe, S.J., Provincial, The USA East Province of the Society of Jesus, to parochial vicar, Holy Trinity Parish, Washington, D.C., effective June 28, 2021.
Father Raymond L. Fecteau, to retired in private residence, while remaining chaplain to the Boy Scouts of America, Montgomery County Police, Maryland State Police and the United States Secret Service; from pastor, Our Lady of the Visitation Parish, Darnestown, Maryland, effective July 7, 2021.