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Opening the Catholic school year, focusing in a special way on the Eucharist

Kelly Branaman, the Secretary for Catholic Schools and Superintendent of Schools for The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, addresses educators during the Aug. 22 Opening of Schools Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. (CS photo by Andrew Biraj)

The Opening of Schools Mass for Catholic school educators and staff in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington is a highlight of my year. Serving as the archdiocese’s Secretary for Catholic Schools and Superintendent of Schools,  I love and gain a great deal of inspiration from this tradition as we celebrate the opening of another school year. 

Even after being in the archdiocese for many years, I still am in awe at the joy that radiates from educators coming together at Mass to reconnect with each other following a short summer. This year it was especially meaningful as His Eminence, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, celebrated Mass and we returned to full in-person attendance at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  If you are wondering, we filled the basilica! 

Before Mass, I have an interesting vantage point on the upper sanctuary of the shrine as we welcome honorees. I make sure to take a few moments to watch the pews fill up with principals, teachers and staff. Some arrive early to save space for school staffs that plan to sit together, some stand on the front steps or the entryway waiting to see that special friend from another school, photos are taken, pastors say hello to their staff before heading to the sanctuary for the Mass procession, and former colleagues share hugs and share photos of their summer vacations. For a space that can appear a bit intimidating with 2,000 educators filling the pews, the basilica feels comfortable and familiar during this Mass, and a bit like coming home to family.     

The mission of Catholic schools is what makes all of us a family: 

Catholic schools in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, rooted in Gospel values and the teaching mission of the Catholic Church, are learning communities of faith and service dedicated to educational equity and excellence for all students.

Our principals, teachers and staff are an exceptional group of educators across this archdiocese who have made Catholic education their vocation.  Each day these dedicated educators and catechists model not only excellence, but also the love, faith and perseverance to teach and live out the Gospel every day with their students and families.

The excellence of our teachers and principals is a direct correlation to the increase in enrollment that we see in our schools. New families are seeking to experience what makes a Catholic school special and to be a part of a safe and loving environment where their children experience an encounter with Christ every day as they learn and grow.

Those honored for special anniversaries at the Opening of Schools Mass represent a remarkable history of dedication and servant leadership to Catholic education. They have lived their faith and modeled the Gospel teachings for many years, influencing and forming many, many students.  The impact these teachers have made in our society is quite remarkable and unmeasurable. 

As I closed my comments to educators, it was fitting to share that the theme and hashtag for the 2022-2023 school year will focus on the Eucharist. As Catholic schools, we will take time this year to focus on the Eucharist and rediscover the beauty and grace of Jesus, who promised to be with us always, particularly in the Blessed Sacrament. 

I cannot think of a more important way to carry on the strength of our #ADWCommUNITY than to be a community truly centered on the Eucharist. Schools are encouraged to provide more opportunities to introduce students and families to Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, processions, and the study of the saints who were devoted to the Eucharist.  I look forward to seeing all the varied ways our schools engage with the theme and reflect on the Eucharist as a core aspect of our purpose as educators.

So as this school year begins, I ask the entire Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington community to join me in prayer for our pastors, educators, families and students. Pray that this school year will be one filled with hope, excitement, joy and a renewed love and understanding of the Eucharist. 

May God bless our school year.

(Kelly Branaman serves as the Secretary for Catholic Schools and Superintendent of Schools for The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington.)
