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The Catholic witness our nation needs

U.S. President Donald Trump signs an executive order in the Oval Office of the White House, in Washington. (OSV News photo/Kevin Lamarque, Reuters)

If there’s anything we know from the first six weeks of the second Trump administration (let alone from his first term), it’s that the next four years are going to be a wild ride. Loved by some and hated by others, Trump is not a passive figure, and his newly reclaimed position as leader of the free world means the country can expect a disruptive four years.

Disruption, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. Healthy and measured disruption can effect needed change and enable movement forward in areas that perhaps have been stagnant. But even healthy disruption, especially on a grand scale, can cause great human distress, dysfunction and, perhaps worst, significant disunity.

Catholics can play an important role in the stabilization of American society at this time. We understand that our faith does not reside in any particular political administration and that our decisions are not informed by any particular political talking points. We recognize that a complete understanding and embrace of Catholic social teaching requires that we rise above partisanship and look, with hearts, minds and wills, to the Gospel. For it is Jesus Christ alone – not the inhabitant of the White House, in any term – who is our Way, Truth and Life.

Significant political disruption will inevitably trickle down into our interpersonal relationships. Family relationships and friendships, work environments – all of these become more fragile, more tenuous with the increased levels of stress and strain that comes from great change in our political environment. We have to be fierce defenders of peace in our homes and communities. There will be disagreements among reasonable people on policy decisions; there will be disagreements among reasonable people on Church-related decisions. Catholics can and will disagree. But we must do so respectfully, always keeping in mind that the person with whom we might disagree – even greatly disagree – is a beloved son or daughter of God.

The world needs our witness. In this time when an internet meme has more influence than a Sunday homily, and when fewer people are even hearing those homilies, we must work harder than ever to bring Jesus Christ to the world. St. Paul writes: “I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me ...” (Galatians 2:20). This is our call.

This is not a call to silence or passivity. The Gospel requires us to speak out and act on behalf of the poor, the weak and the marginalized. Jesus’s teachings remind us of the expectations God has of each of us.

They are not expectations that can be realized through infighting on social media, or in harsh words at the dinner table. This is a call to holiness, where we must work to be the “light to the world” that Jesus has asked us to be (Matthew 5:14).

As we enter the season of Lent, we remember that this is a time to grow in humility, in greater prayer, and to give more greatly of one’s own self.

Lent offers a unique opportunity for reflection on what is most important in our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ, our love of neighbor, our work for a more peaceful and just world – all of these things are worthy of our attention. And the only way we can find the strength to do these things in the midst of great disruption is to seek out the One who makes all things possible.

This Lent, may all Catholics commit to being a strong witness of Christ’s love to the world, especially when it is most difficult.

The members of the OSV Editorial Board include Father Patrick Briscoe, OP; Gretchen R. Crowe; Paulina Guzik; Matthew Kirby; Peter Jesserer Smith and Scott P. Richert.

